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The principles of this trust agreement were created by the comprehensive dental clinic Umar Istanbul in order to define their responsibilities. The necessary information for users visiting the website is set out under the relevant contract scope.
User Principles/Users covered by the Privacy Policy. It deals with the real person who accesses the website
Omer Istanbul Comprehensive Dental Clinics collects the following personal information. Users allow Omeristanbul Dental Polyclinics to use personal information within the framework of the purposes specified in this contract.
Checking the procedures such as changing, updating, removing, modifying and changing the information and data available on the website belongs to the comprehensive dental clinics Umar Istanbul and has the right to reserve all rights.
The comprehensive dental clinics Omar Istanbul cannot be held liable for any deficiency, error or change that may occur during the updating of information on the relevant website.
By using the relevant site all data is consented to and used in accordance with the trust agreement.